Point of customer contact, gap analysis and service quality South Africa
1.1 Identify each point of customer contact within your organisation and critically analyse the quality of each contact point. In your analysis consider the following:
• The process followed when dealing with customers; and
• Identify gaps within the customer contact points which may cause poor
customer service.
Customer relationship management technology and customer relationships South Africa
2.1 Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the customer relationship management technology in your organisation and discuss how it impacts your customer relationships.
Employee attitude and behaviour and customer service South Africa
3.1 Critically discuss how employee attitudes and behaviour in your organisation impact customer service. Then, discuss how employees can communicate with customers more effectively to deliver better customer service.
Customer service improvements and problem analytical tools South Africa
4.1 Discuss how your organisation can use problem analysis tools to improve quality and customer service in the future.
Answers to quality and customer relationship management in South Africa
Answer 1.1: Customer contact point can be defined as any encounter whereby customers and business engage to exchange products on services at a price. The customer contact points are therefore crucial for an organisation to manage because they have a good potential to make customer’s experience fruitful provided they are managed properly. There can be several customer contact points in an organisation depending on the processes followed by it. It is important to identify any gaps existent in the contact points so that a better overall experience can be provided to the end customer. In my organisation, there are several customer contact points through which the customer has to go through in order to avail our services. The important contact points include …….
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