Samsung marketing communication mix utilises a number of marketing communication channels such as print and media advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences and public relations. Samsung Electronics uses these channels in an integrated manner (Dudovskiy, 2018). According to West & Turner (2007), the three most well-known models for Communication are Linear, Interactional, and Transactional. Each model sheds light on the development of communication but emphasises different parts of the communication process.
1.1 As a communications expert at Samsung, write an essay that explains all three (3) models of communication. Use practical examples to support your explanations. (30)
1.2 As a communication strategist at Samsung, explain the four basic strategies for active listening and discuss the benefits of active listening. (20)

Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues in Business Setting

2.1. Controlling your body language is crucial for creating a good impression, and also for showing the brand or company that you work for in a good light. Think of it as managing your business brand. You want to make sure you are sending the right messages to your customers and not the bad ones that will drive them away. (Extracted from: Sherman, 2018) Non-verbal communication refers to the transmission of information by means other than language. By referring to the above, discuss the following non-verbal indications/cues in a business setting.
2.1.1. Silence (5)
2.1.2. Proxemics (10)
2.2. Organisations can arrange different forms of interviews. It depends on the objectives of taking the interview. Identify and discuss three (3) main interviews used in a business. (10)

Questions based on Application Letter and Curriculum Vitae

An application for a job is undertaken with a letter of application and a Curriculum Vitae (CV). Therefore, it is crucial that they are well prepared and of a good quality. Please review the job advert below and prepare the following: (a) an application letter and, (b) a 2-page CV.

Get Answers for Business Communication 101

1.1 Communication model is an important tool in understanding the ways in which businesses communicate with its intended audience. The three important models of communication are linear, interaction and transaction models. In the case of a linear model of communication, the meaning is sent from one person to another. However, the feedback of sender and receiver is utilised in case of interactional model in order to achieve a meaning. Similarly in the case of transactional models, the meaning is derived by people in the form of shared meaning. An analysis of the case of Samsung marketing Communication mix, it is evident that the company utilizes all the three models of communication. The linear model of communication is utilised in Samsung in the form of….. has best experts to provide assistance in writing assignments based on communication. Contact our experts to do my assignment for me in communication 101 subject to score maximum marks.